Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Opening: Development

If you've taken a look at the information under The Opening then you've noticed that I've listed Development as the number 2 principle to consider during the opening phase of a chess game. Many chess grandmasters fail miserably to explain what chess development really is to us amateurs. Some mistakenly view it as "building and creating." The Oxford Companion To Chess is extremely vague in its own definition which is "to bring one's pieces into play during the opening phase." However, neither of those definitions will help you to understand exactly what development is. This is the actual definition when it comes to chess development:

"The process of evolving to a more useful stage."

As you can see from the definition above, development isn't simply about bringing pieces out from their starting positions (everybody does that in chess!) but it has to do with evolving your pieces into something useful. Yes, when your 16 chess pieces start out on your side of the board they are completely useless to say the least. But as you move them from their starting positions they can begin to become useful to you. Now at the beginning of each game there are a total of 20 moves that can be made (16 pawn moves; 4 knight moves). However not all of those possible moves may contribute to a successful development. Some may even interfere with further development in the game. Consider how development is connected to the other opening principles:

  • Mobility- A lack of good development will likely hinder other piece's mobility. 
  • Control Center - If your pieces aren't developed close enough to the center of the board then chances are your development is weak. 
  • Attack and Defend With Purpose - Lack of development will ultimately mean that you have to give priorities to development while attacking and defending which may prove to be overwhelming.  
  • Avoid Exploiting Your Queen - If you move your queen out early you may waste your moves on her, rather than much needed development.  
  • King's Position -  If a player cannot castle or at least move his king to safety, then a lack of good development is most likely the reason. 
  • Connect Rooks - If a player cannot connect their rooks, then a lack of good development could be to blame.  
  • Minor Piece Dynamics - Lack of development equals limited dynamic strength for your minor pieces to attack and defend.
  • Pawn Structure - How the pawns are structured could easily hinder your development progress. Moreover, since a pawn cannot move backwards this could be a permanent problem.

It's a no brainer why chess grandmasters everywhere speak so highly of development. In a future article we will go over some examples of how to actually employ development in the opening.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Opening: Mobility

If you've taken a look at the information under The Opening then you've noticed that I've listed Mobility as the number 1 principle to consider during the opening phase of a chess game. I must be out of my mind right? I mean most if not all of the chess grandmasters keep preaching about development. Development, development, development! But before you have an aneurism, you should keep in mind that those 9 principles aren't necessarily in a "this must come first" order. If only chess were that easy! No, they are simply in the order that I believe will benefit you the most in learning the opening. In fact, take note of the definition of mobility:

"The ability to move in one's environment with ease and without restriction."

I think that all of us would love to be able to move our chess pieces without restriction. But we're not just talking about your opponent's pieces restricting your own. No, we're also talking about how you can't seem to get out of your own way in most games! This happens to me quite often, and not just in the opening. I think it could be perhaps the number one reason why most games are lost to some extent. I mean consider how mobility is connected to the other opening principles:

  • Development - You will not be able to develop successfully if part or most of your pieces cannot move freely about the board.  
  • Control Center - If your pieces cannot reach the center, how on earth can they control it? 
  • Attack and Defend With Purpose - Lack of mobility means that you cannot move your pieces quick enough to attack or perhaps worse yet, to defend a piece. 
  • Avoid Exploiting Your Queen - A lack of mobility can cause the queen to be blocked behind other pieces, or to be trapped by your opponent's pieces (because you brought her out too early).  
  • King's Position - If you cannot move your back row out, then you may not be able to protect your king by castling. 
  • Connect Rooks - If you block your minor pieces in (bishops and knights) then your rooks cannot protect themselves. Also a rook that cannot move is a sitting duck in alot games.  
  • Minor Piece Dynamics - Both the knights and bishops require mobility or they lose their dynamic strength to attack and defend.
  • Pawn Structure - How the pawns are structured could easily hinder your mobility. Moreover, since a pawn cannot move backwards this could be a permanent problem.

So it's easy to see why mobility is such a crucial aspect to the game of chess. In a future article we will go over some examples of how to incorporate mobility in the opening.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Welcome to my Chess Blog

I've wanted to do a blog for awhile now, but never really knew what to write about until recently. It's hard to say when I first learned to play chess, but I remember playing with my younger brother (who totally destroyed me at it) when I was in my mid teens. However, I never fully grasped the strategies of winning until recently. I used to think things like Castling were just fancy, optional moves, that were of little benefit to me. How wrong I was! After losing more than 50% of the games I played on the Social Chess app, I actually threw in the towel so to speak. I left off playing for a few months (it was actually 100 days) and returned to find myself still losing games that I could've won. So I started to seriously ask myself, "Why did I lose this game?" after each game I played and the results weren't that shocking. Do you know what most if not all of the results were: I completely ignored 1 or more of the basic fundamentals of chess. I knew what all of the fundamentals were, but simply thought I could deviate from them and not suffer the consequences. If you learn only 1 thing from this blog let it be this: None of us can reinvent the basic fundamentals of chess. Even chess Grand Champion Bobby Fischer didn't reinvent the game of chess with his Fischer's Random Chess (Chess 960). The pieces may start in different positions but you still are forced to recognize each piece's strength and weakness or you will ultimately lose. It's really that simple. So please stick around and I guarantee we will all be better chess players in time.